Dawn Patrol (verb) \dän pə-ˈtrōl\:

A term used by the adventurous for setting an intention to rise before the masses to catch those special, fleeting moments of glassy waves, perfect powder, and quiet sunrises.

We believe in the ethos of “dawn patrol.” We embody it in our hobbies and in our business. After all, there is a lot of competition out there and sometimes the only way to beat the pack is to get your gear ready the night before, set your alarm and be the first out of the door.

Dawn Patrol Music wants to capture those same kinds of moments for our sync licensing clients. We apply that same ethos when finding outstanding music, treating your budget like our own and clearing the best song for the picture.

We’re in pursuit of finding like minded creators to grow our community. Care to join us? Let’s go!

Selected Placements

(And by “selected” we mean, which ever ones we could find or create thumbnail images for 😜)